Estos alimentos han recibido la etiqueta de saludables por la FDA.
Estados Unidos

The healthiest foods that the FDA recommends consuming in the United States

The vast majority of these products are part of the well-known Mediterranean diet.

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With the growing interest in a healthier life, the labeling of foods plays a fundamental role in the decisions we make when filling our pantry. In response to this, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States (FDA) has recently updated its classification on which foods can be considered "healthy," including new products such as eggs, olive oil, seeds, among others. 

This change, which had not occurred since the nineties, marks a significant difference in how certain products are labeled in the United States and, of course, affects the choices we consume every day.

Prior to this update, foods that could be labeled as healthy had to be low in sodium, saturated fats, and added sugars. However, the FDA has added new requirements that include products must contain a significant amount of at least one of the key food groups described in the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Among these groups are fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. This means that some foods that were previously considered healthy, such as white bread or sugary cereals, can no longer carry this labeling.

Which foods are now considered "healthy"?

Although some products have been left out of this list, the FDA's review has brought a pleasant surprise for certain foods that, thanks to their high nutritional benefits, can now boast the label "healthy." Among them are: 

  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Salmon
  • Olive oil 100%
  • Egg

It is noteworthy that these foods are fundamental in the well-known Mediterranean diet.

The decision to include eggs in this category has been especially important. According to Mari Luz de Santos, director of the Interprofessional Organization of Eggs and Egg Products (INPROVO), this step helps debunk the myths that have been created around eggs, especially regarding cholesterol. 

"We are facing one of the most complete foods that exist, as well as affordable and very versatile," she emphasized. This not only highlights the virtues of eggs, but also underscores their versatility in cooking and their accessibility as a high-quality protein option.

The impact of changes in the FDA's food classification

The FDA's review of healthy foods also opens a debate about the importance of choosing products that not only fit nutritional recommendations, but also better adapt to our daily needs.

By including foods like salmon and nuts in this category, the FDA is recognizing the value of ingredients rich in healthy fatty acids, proteins, and essential nutrients for overall well-being.

With these new criteria, the agency aims to promote a more balanced and accessible diet, encouraging consumers to choose options that truly benefit their long-term health.

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